Macospol Resources: To Create

A list apart
website design,
A list of wiki engines
wiki, list, resources, collaboration
usability, access, evaluation, implement, human, use, study
American Society for In...
information, professional, theory, technique, technology, access
AskTog — Interfac...
interaction, design, interface, design, webpage, online, architecture
example, good design, website, page, audio, internet, women, link, story, intuition, inherent, soundscape
Bloug — Lou Rosen...
"B*lou*g, get it?"
Boxes and Arrows
information, architecture, peer, practice, innovation, designing, graphic, interaction
$IF(63==1, ,
CHI (Computer Human Int...
usability, access, discussion, mailing, list, human, factor, world, wide, web, www
Coca cola website data ...
good examples, data visualization
CoffeeCup HTML editor
create, website, tool
collaborative wiki-blog
wikipedia, wiki, share, collaborate, Blog, weblog, blog creation,
Croc o'Lyle
usability, access, web, information, architecture, practice, experience, online
MP3 for the Web
$IF(63==1, ,
Dreamweaver (Macromedia...
create, website, tool, adobe, dreamweaver, html, design, format, gui, wysiwyg
)$IF(63==1, ,
EOL (Encyclopedia of li...
example, good design, website, page, diversity, biology, encyclopedia
Eric Meyer's CSS Page
css, stylesheet, design, web, online, format, html, htm, tutorial
Fieldnotes — Tany...
information architecture, blog, details, web, online, design, interesting
lay seige to hollywood
Good Experience Blog
usability, access, good, experience, technology, sense, create, sharpen, appreciate
Google analytics
google, analytics, sale, design, online, ads, advertise, marketing, tracking, publish, site
online, mashup, compile, rss, tools, web, widget, gather, live, blog, compile, wiki
$IF(63==1, ,
Homesite (Macromedia/ A...
create, website, tool, adobe, macromedia, dreamweaver, html, editor
IAnything Goes
information, architecture
Video editing, movie, software
Peter J. Bogaards (pjb at bogieland dot com)
Kashiwasato a personal ...
example, good design, website, page, good examples, data visualization
good examples, data visualization,
Mashups, an Introductio...
mashup, introduction, article, web, 2.0, external, data, compile, gather, retrieve, interactive
Mini Ajax
nice looking simple downloadable dhtml and AJAX code
Newsmap (Google Feed)
map, visualize, dynamic, interactive, tool, organize, link, data, relate, analyze, relation, semantic, words, news, new
web, design, template, style, format, buy, online
Poll Builder
poll, opinion, survey, online, web, tool, page, respond, collect
SIGIA-L Mail Archives -...
information, architecture, list, thread, mailing, web, online, messages
Sitepoint Software tuto...
create, website, tool
Slideshow creator
slideshow, online, web, pictures, links, javascript, java, AJAX, cross fade
Snap shot
snap, shot, preview, website, online, link, interactive, experience, page, webpage, web, blog
The Gettysburg PowerPoi...
usability, access
The Glass Engine &mdash...
music, arrange, design, audio, philip glass, interest, impulse, engine
The Information Archite...
information, architecture, tips, promote, advance, introduction, intro, glossary
The Moin Moin wiki engi...
wikipedia, wiki, share, collaborate, moinmoin
The Usability Professio...
"promote and advance the development of usable products"
The W3C CSS Test Suite
CSS validitiy checker, CSS validator
The W3C's Web Accessibi...
usability, access, standards, web, content, applications, online, disabilities, dynamic
The Way Back Machine
usability, access, archive, past, history, internet, online, web, digital, text, software, collection, library
wiki, engine, organize, contribute, groupware, blog, map, forum, news, database
Timeline, H-Bot, Omeka ...
create, website, tool, history, online, timeline, time, automated, historical, organize, cultural
Top Ten Wikis
wikipedia, wiki, share, collaborate, top, best, vote
Trip Tracker
create, website, tool, slideshow, show, image, picture, track, script, javascript, ajax
U.S. Section 508 Standa...
usability, access, law, government, applications, web, internet, information, text, equivalent
Usability Guidelines
usability, access, government, human, health, resources, issues, web, internet, research
Usable Web — Web ...
usability, access, stale, collection, links, outdated, architecture, human, interrface, usable, internet, web
Visual Thesaurus
usability, access, thesaurus, visual, java
W3 School
tutorials, website creator
Walk 2 Web
create, website, tool, visualize, explore, internet, web, links, surf, jump
Walk 2 Web (W2W) - a vi...
Walk, Explore, and Have Fun
wiki professional
wiki, engine, organize, contribute, collaborate, professional, database, semantic, web
WIKIWAY (Wiki Engines)
wikipedia, wiki, share, collaborate, engine
Wireframing Introductio...
wireframe, design, reference, tools, architecture, online, development, mock up
WK / ad agency
example, good design, website, page, topic, map, online, presence
World Wide Web Consorti...
tutorial, guide, w3c, wwwc, web, online, standards, technical, development, html, css, validate, xml
create, website, tool, collage, carousel, photo, animated, slide show, blocks, accordion, columns, design, web
Broadcast yourself

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