Food Supplement Case Study

Controversy Space Exploration of the Food Supplement Case Study

Classified under Mapping Approaches (Scientometrics), Users (Academics), Conceptual (Controversy spaces)


While the Risk Cartography is a tool to visulize risk related controversies as argumentative landscapes, the Controversy Space Explorer focuses on the spatialization of controversies including its time, scale and space. Based on the data of the case study „dietary supplements“ used in the Risk Cartography, we tried to show that the Controversy Space Explorer offers the possiblity to illustrate different topics and cases even if there is no geographical component included.


The dimension „time“ presents each statement in time. It is the date at which the statement was expressed.

The dimension „scale“ illustrates whom the statement addresses. We used three levels: the micro level is chosen if concerned individuals are addressed; in the case of the meso level bigger groups of people, the public or enterprises get approached and the macro level represents statements that refer to regulations and legislation or deliver general statements. This dimension gives an idea of which sphere should get influenced by the statement.

“Space“ as the third dimension gives a sense of the centrality and intensity of a statement within the controversy.

The first axis (X) gives the centrality of the statement in the space of the statement. This indicator is calculated using the number of citations composing the statement weighted by the visibility of the actors involved.

The second axis (Y) gives the intensity or activity of the statement. This second indicator is calculated using the number of matters of concern the statement is attached to, weighted by the activity of the matters of concern itself.



Attachments of PlatformFoodSupplCase

I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment Attribute
macospolm.pngpng macospolm.png manage 52.5 K 21 Oct 2009 - 07:45 Abram Pointet space time explorer