Macospol Platform: Conceptual

Architectural Software
Architectural software for the purpose of mapping controversies
Controversy Dynamics: A Simulation
A dynamic mapping of the London 2012 Olympic Stadium controversy
Controversy Spaces
The spaces of controversy
Controversy dashboard generator
Get an immediate controversy overview with the Silobreaker tool
Dietary Supplements Risk Cartography
Dietary supplements are not classified as drugs up to now, and are therefore not subject to any registration requirements in Germany.
Dietary Supplements Dynamic Animation
The architecture of the controversy on dietary supplements visualized in a dynamic animation.
Dying out of bees
A case study of the dying out of bees (Apis mellifera) in the walloon region (Belgium)
New Tools for Old Debates: The Food Supplements Controversy Mapped Anew
A description of the creation process of the new mapping for the food supplements case study
Food Supplement Case Study
Controversy Space Exploration of the Food Supplement Case Study
Controversy Space Explorer
The Controversy Space Explorer is an interactive and dynamic interface dedicated to the exploration of controversies’ life in time, scale and space.
Ongoing Controversies: The Design of the London Olympics Stadium
A description of the London 2012 case study website
Lully Flooding Case Study
Controversy Space Exploration of the Lully Flooding Case Study
Nanotechnology Risk Cartography
Along with the possibility of unforeseen risks the question for regulations for nanotechnology specifically is put.
Risk-Cartography User Guide
Risk Cartography is a mapping tool directed to better equip civil society for reflexive risk governance, that is to enhance various stakeholders understandings and representational abilities...
Sustainable Homes
This study asks: what kind of space is the sustainable home, and what are its affordances for public engagement with the environment? To answer these questions, this study undertakes an obje...
Do controversies really exist?
Disputing the very existence of controversies
Small Visual Innovations
A look at some of the visual innovations created in Manchester